27 December 2011

Twelve Krafty Days of Khristmas WINNERS!!!

We hope you enjoyed our Kraftin' Kimmie Stamps Year in Review by playing along with our Twelve Krafty Days of Khristmas!!!  Here are the list of winners!!!

Day One - Tampatha

Day Two - Scrapalajen

Day Three - Victoria

Day Four - kimberly

Day Five - Heidi Brawley

Day Six - Alethea

Day Seven - wahixane77

Day Eight - Alyssa S.

Day Nine - Alexis Smith

Day Ten - Jennifer Scull

Day Eleven - Kimbo

Day Twelve - bebete

Instructions: Congratulations!!  Be sure to email me with your complete name and mailing address.  Also, check the post with your winning day and see what images were released that month and if you already have any of those stamps, please send me a list as well.  I wouldn't want to send you doubles, if I can help it!!  Also, please let me know if you are planning to order from our awesome BOXING WEEK SALE going on now, and I will try to ship your items all together!!!

Now don't forget that our BOXING WEEK SALE is only on until December 31st, so hop over to the shop and check it out now!!!

Happy kraftin'!


  1. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!

  2. Thanks very much!!! I am excited to be 1 of the 12!!! Love Kraftin' Kimmie stamps a lot!!!
    Hugs!!!! Heidi

  3. wow... great Christmas present!!! so excited...love these stamps! thanks so much -

  4. thank you so much! I am very excited to FINALLY own some gorgeous KK stamps :)

  5. Thank you thank you!!! I am so excited!!! Thank you!! Woohoo!!!:)

  6. So excited to have won...email sent to you. Thank u! Olivia.
